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  4. How to use the delay timer for elements or buttons

How to use the delay timer for elements or buttons

The delay function in OptimizePress allows you to delay an item or element (whether it is a feature box, optin form or call to action button) from showing for a set amount of time after the page is loaded.  It is important to note that this timer starts from when the page is loaded – not from when a video is played on the page or any other timer.

To setup the delay timer , when you add an element to the page you will see when you hover over it a set of icons in the top right – one of them looks like a cog or gear.

You need to click this to load the advanced element options.

Now at the bottom of that window you will see a delay timer option. In there you can enter the number of seconds to delay that element for – it could be a button, optin form or anything else on the page – you can delay it for the time you wish – then it will gracefully fade in for you.

At the moment we don’t have an option to delay all page content – because of the advanced nature of the way the page builder works it’s a little more tricky to do that, but we are investigating that as a future feature.

The delay feature has been tested so it should work fine unless you have some external javascript which could affect it working properly – so if you are in doubt, disable all plugins on your site first before testing this feature and then test again with the plugins you are using switched back on.

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