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Duplicate Contact Created in Infusionsoft

If you are using OptimizeMember for your membership and Infusionsoft for your CRM/Payment processor and are experiencing a duplicate contact being created in Infusionsoft at purchase, please read this article.

This issue can happen if you are using Infusionsoft checkout process to create your buyer, but also setup a mailing list integration inside optimizeMember for the same user level.

To check this, Inside you OptimizeMemeber site go to OPtimizeMember > General Options > Define Mailing List/Autoresponder Configurations and then check the user level that you are setting up access for – and ensure that no integration is setup here.

If you have an integration setup for a level which you are processing inside of Infusionsoft – you dont need to integrate here too as the buyer will be setup as a member through the infusionsoft order process – the integrations here for list integrations are generally if you are processing a sale on your OptimizePress site and then want to send them to Infusionsoft as a contact


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