On this page you will find training on how to use the e-goi email marketing platform with your OptimizePress landing pages and optin forms.
Update: We now have E-goi API Integration.
To use E-goi API integration go to your E-goi account and go to “Apps” at the top of the page.
Find your “API Access Key” and copy this to the OptimizePress > Email Marketing Services > E-goi API key section.
When you create a new Opt-in form and select the E-goi integration you will now see your lists pulled into the dropdown menu.
Problems with E-goi Integration: We have had some issues reported if you are using PHP versions below 5.4 on your server. This problem means you may not see your lists pulled into the opt-in form element.
To fix this issue, please download this patch.
Extract this file inside the the root directory of your OptimizePress installation e.g. the /themes/OptimizePress or plugins/OptimizePress folder. This will patch the integration with E-goi.
Video 1: Integrating Name & Email Form from E-goi with OptimizePress.
This video will show you the process for integrating the e goi platform with your OptimizePress landing pages and squeeze pages to send subscribers to your lists within egoi.
Video 2: Integrating Email only Form from E-goi with OptimizePress & Sending to custom thank you page.
This video will show you how to create and integrate an email only form from egoi with an OptimizePress optin form or landing page. We will also show you how to send your subscribers to a custom thank you page after optin.