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Integrating GetResponse with OptimizePress

This tutorial will show you how to integrate with
GetResponse using our API integration.  This will show you the process of setting up your get response to work with OptimziePress and then sending opt-ins from your OptimizePress opt-in forms over to GetResponse:

1. Login to your GetResponse account.

2. If you don’t already have a campaign setup to add your opt-ins to, Click the Campaigns dropdown at the top of the page and click “Create Campaign”.

3. Enter a name for your new campaign which will be relevant to the site or page you are using – and ensure you only use lowercase letters or numbers.

4. Now you have created your campaign – you can either setup some autoresponder followup messages (follow the GetResponse guides to do this) or follow the next steps to continue the integration…

5. Next we need to get our API key.  Click on the My Account tab at the top of the page and select “Account Details”.

6. Click “Use GetResponse API”.

7. Copy your API key from the page and ensure the API is turned on.

8. Now let’s head over to our OptimizePress site….The next step is to add the integration into OptimizePress…

9. Go to Dashboard > Email Marketing Services > GetResponse and enter in your API key you just copied from the GetResponse site

10. Next go to the LiveEditor page or the opt-in element you want to integrate. If you want to add a new element to your page, choose Opt-in from the elements list.

11. Choose an Opt-in form design 12. Now you can customize the opt-in form options:

12. Now you can customize the opt-in form options:

– Choose GetResponse from the “Integration Type” drop down

– Choose your campaign from earlier in the “Provider List” drop down (These may take a few moments to load)

– Enter in your thank you page URL in the thank you page URL field (please note that you cannot use the GetResponse standard thank you page when using API integration

13. You can also check some additional options:

– If you want to disable the name field, click disable name

– Ensure that the Name drop-down matches the name field Id in GetResponse

– this is usually “Name”

– If you want to add extra fields you can use the extra fields option although we don’t recommend this for normal users

14. Click insert and your opt-in form will now be setup and ready to collect opt-ins.

15. Ensure you test your form before setting your page live or driving traffic to it to ensure the contact information is being passed through correctly. 

Setting a Custom Confirmation Page If you want to use a custom Confirmation page (the page your subscribers see after they confirm their email) you can use the options within the Campaign Preferences inside GetResponse.

1. Go to your campaign in the top right dropdown and then click the gear/cog icon.

2. Click the “Permission” option on the sidebar of the Campaign Preferences Page.

3. Find the Confirmation Page setting and select the “Custom URL” option to enter your URL of the page you want to use (this must be a published page).

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