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Infusionsoft Opt-in Forms Troubleshooting

If you are having problems integrating Infusionsoft and our web forms please read below:

If you are integrating with Infusionsoft for adding subscribers from your opt-in forms to a campaign inside Infusionsoft there are a few important things to check:

1. You need to ensure your API key is correct as provided by Infusionsoft

2. Make sure your form does not use special characters. Only use numbers and letters (special characters have been known to cause some issues such as “error 640”)

3. You need to ensure you have a campaign which is Published and also includes at least one web-form which is published and live.  If you do not have any web forms which are published and live our system cannot integrate with your campaign as that is where the information is remotely sent to after optin

4. We have also seen in some rare cases that mod_security may be blocking some API integrations. You can check with your web host to see if mod_security settings on the server are blocking communications with the infusionsoft API

5. Please also check that your web host is not blocking API communications with Infusionsoft (if a regular html form works and the API doesn\’t, this is a possibility).

The Infusionsoft integration has been extensively tested, and we also use it in our own business, so we know it works when the settings are correctly implemented.  You can also find a guide on integrating here:


Infusionsoft and OptimizeMember:

OptimizeMember uses Follow-up Sequences that are separate to campaigns.  Because OptimizeMember adds users to Infusionsoft using a background campaign (not through a direct opt-in form) we cannot use the normal opt-in forms inside campaigns.

To find Follow-up Sequences inside Infusionsoft, go to your main menu by clicking the top-left Infusionsoft icon, then inside the Marketing section, click “Legacy”  (if you do not see this option here you will need to speak to Infusionsoft to ask them to enable this on your account).

Once inside the Legacy section, you will need to create a new Follow-up Sequence by clicking “Add a Follow-up Sequence”

The follow-up sequence editor allows you to run various actions on the newly created contact.  We recommend that you add a tag to this new contact which can be used to add them to a campaign sequence.

You can see how I select a tag to be added to a contact in the follow-up sequence here:

Once you have selected a tag (or created a new tag) you need to ensure that tag is included at the start of your chosen campaign inside the Infusionsoft Campaign builder if you want to add further processes to this contact after they purchase.

If you have issues like this you should consult with an Infusionsoft support agent to help with sorting this out as we aren\’t able to do anything on our end. They would need to help switch you to the newer system.

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