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  3. Using the LiveEditor
  4. How to use the row section separator

How to use the row section separator

In this quick tutorial, we’re going to be looking at the Section Separator feature, which will help encourage your site visitors to continue scrolling down the page in order to read the remaining content.

PLEASE NOTE: The Scroll Separator will only adopt the background colour of the row and not the background image. So of you decide to add this feature to your row, please ensure to use a background colour and not an image.

1. To begin, Launch your page with the LiveEditor and click on the row you would like to edit by clicking on the pencil icon. The Row Options window will appear.

2. Scroll down until you see the option for ‘Section Separator‘. Under the dropdown, you will have the option to select either a wide or a thin triangle.

3. Select the style you would like to use. Save and preview your page. The Section Separator should now appear at the bottom of your row.

PLEASE NOTE: To view the separator, you will have to set a background colour.

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