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  4. How to use the fixed row options

How to use the fixed row options

In this quick tutorial, we’re going to look at the Fixed Row Options, which will allow you to have a row that’s fixed and displayed on the page when scrolled. This is ideal for highlighting sections on a page for the visitor in order to encourage them to take an action like an optin box or a special offer promotion.

– To activate the fixed row option. Open a page with the LiveEditor and click on the pencil icon of the row you would like to fix. The Row Options box will appear.

– You should see the option ‘ Fixed row position when scrolling?‘ At the top of the Row Options box.

– Under the dropdown, select whether you would like the box to fix at the top or the bottom of your page when scrolled.

– Once you’ve selected your option. Save the changes and preview your page. Your row should now be fixed on your page when scrolled.

TOP TIP: We recommend that when using fixed rows you ensure at the row hight is minimal, to avoid the fixed row from dominating the browser window and having a negative effect on the visitor experience. 

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