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  4. Integrate Sendlane with OptimizePress

Integrate Sendlane with OptimizePress

We are now proud to announce the full integration of the Sendlane autoresponder with our OptimizePress software.

Sendlane is a new service that allows you to set up beautiful email automation and campaigns using an easy to use interface.

This integration can be used so long as you are using at least the following:

OptimizePress (Theme or Plugin)  Version 2.5.10 or higher

To begin, log into your sendlane dashboard and click on the 
account settings option.

In your Account Settings area, scroll down until you see your Security Credentials. 

Be sure to copy the 
API Key & Hash Key to a blank text document. You will need these later.

Next, head over to the OptimizePress dashboard under
Dashboard >> Email Marketing Services >> Sendlane

Insert the

This will be the custom URL of your Sendlane user area e.g

Finally, paste in the 
API Key & Hash Key that you previously saved to your text document.

Once all keys have been inserted, save the changes.

Your autoresponder should now be successfully integrated with OptimizePress!

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