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  4. Adding subscription cancellation buttons & forms to your membership site [OptimizeMember]

Adding subscription cancellation buttons & forms to your membership site [OptimizeMember]

If you would like to add a cancellation button within your membership site, you can do that using a shortcode. It depends on which payment gateway you are using, so we’ll cover the three main ones, which include Stripe, PayPal, and Authorize.net.

A few things to keep in mind:

1) You’ll want to include these buttons only within the protected membership area of your site as they will only work for logged in users.

2) If using more than one of these payment integrations, you’ll want to include some guidance for your customers on which button they should use. An example would be if you are using Paypal and Stripe, to say something like this:

“If your subscription is through Paypal, use the following button…”

“If you paid with a credit card and didn’t go through paypal, please use this button…”

3) What happens after the cancellation is dependent on your EOT (end of terms) settings:

Paypal: “OptimizeMember > Paypal Options > Automatic EOT Behavior”

Stripe: “OptimizeMember > Stripe Options > Automatic EOT Behavior”

Authorize.net “OptimizeMember > Auth.net Options > Automatic EOT Behavior”

Most of the time, when your customer cancels their subscription, OptimizeMember, by default, will allow them to continue accessing the site until the next billing date, at which time the user will be downgraded to a free subscriber automatically as that is considered the “end of term” as they have already paid for that period of time with their last subscription payment.

An example of this is if the customer’s subscription normally occurs on the 10th of each month, and they cancel their subscription anytime after the 10th, they will continue to get access until the 10th of the next month and will be downgraded at the time they would have normally been billed.

For more information about EOT Settings, just visit the “Automatic EOT Behavior” area for the payment gateway in OptimizeMember you are using as there is lots of information available there which explains EOT in more detail.

How to add the Shortcode to your pages

To add any of the shortcodes discussed in the various sections below, you would need to open the
Live Editor, and click “add element” and select the “Custom HTML/Shortcode” element and just paste in the shortcode within that element and insert the element into the page.

For any other page you would like the cancellation buttons/forms to appear (ie.. pages that do not use the live editor) you would add the shortcode in the page where you want it to appear by just pasting in the code like any other shortcodes in WordPress.

Paypal cancellation button

To add a PayPal Cancellation button to your members area, you will need to get the shortcode for this under ”
OptimizeMember > Paypal Buttons > PayPal Subsc Cancellation Buttons” and add the shortcode to your site as described above in the section titled “How to add the shortcode to your pages”.

Note: Above image was cropped in some parts to take out some lengthy text which may also be valuable for you to read, however as that is available within this section, it was not included here.

PayPal Pro cancellation form

If you are using the Paypal Pro Forms instead of order buttons, you can choose to either use the cancel button as described in the previous section above, or you may choose to use the cancellation form.

To get the shortcode for the cancellation form, head on over to your WordPress Dashboard, and go to ”
OptimizeMember > Paypal Pro Forms > Paypal Pro Billing Cancellation Forms” and copy the shortcode from that section. You can paste the shortcode into your pages as described above in the section titled “How to add the shortcode to your pages”.

Stripe Pro cancellation form

If you are using the Stripe Payment Gateway, you can find the shortcode for the cancellation form under ”
OptimizeMember > Stripe Pro Forms > Stripe Billing Cancellation Forms

Once again, you can add the shortcode into your pages as described above in the section titled “How to add the shortcode to your pages”.

Authorize.net Pro cancellation form

If you are using the Authorize.net Payment Gateway, you can find the shortcode for the cancellation form under ”
OptimizeMember > Auth.net Pro Forms > Authorize.net Billing Cancellation Forms“.

Once again, you can add the shortcode into your pages as described above in the section titled “How to add the shortcode to your pages”.

Other payment gateways

If you are using JVzoo, Clickbank, or other 3rd party integrations such as ThriveCart or SamCart who integrate directly with OptimizeMember, cancellations are normally handled through those platforms or directly through the payment gateway itself.

How to manually cancel PayPal subscriptions

If you have a need to manually cancel a PayPal Subscription, we have a separate guide which details that process: 

If you have any questions about this process or need any help, please contact our support team and they’ll be glad to help further.

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