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  4. How to use the membership files download element with Amazon S3 files [OptimizeMember]

How to use the membership files download element with Amazon S3 files [OptimizeMember]

Here are the steps needed to set this up. Please note that you do not need to make your files public, as OptimizeMember will automatically generate protected download links.

NOTE: Please ensure that when you setup your Amazon S3 Bucket, you select the “US East (N. Virginia)” Region or due to how those newer regions are setup in Amazon AWS, the permissions will not work properly with our Amazon S3 integrations and the downloads will not work properly.

You will want to login to your WordPress Dashboard, and then go to
“OptimizeMember > Download Options” Once you do that you will see several Tabs.

Under the
“Basic Download Restrictions” you will want to set how many files in x number of days people are allowed to download. If you want unlimited just put some high number in.

After you do this, go to the next section titled
“Download Limit Exceeded Page” and choose a page for this (you can change it later to something more custom if you need to, but this is required).

Once you do that skip down to the section titled
“Amazon S3/CDN Storage Option” Here you will want to define your bucket name, Amazon Access Key, and Secret Keys. You will likely need to sign in to Amazon Web Services to get those keys.

To do that go to
http://aws.amazon.com/ and login. Then under the “My Account/Console” at the top right of the screen, click “Security Credentials” and I’m sure you’ll find what you need from there.

Please note that ALL files used with the
Members Files Download element will need to be placed inside the bucket you define under the Amazon S3 options.

Here is how to setup the download links once you click on
“add element” and choose the “Members Files Download” element.

  1. Click “add new”.
  2. Select the level/package/icon.
  3. Click “select file” and a window will come up.
  4. Click the top tab that says “From URL”.
  5. On the next screen, you only need to put the file name (such as file.zip) without any preceeding “/” and then click the button below that to “insert into post”.

OptimizeMember will automatically know since you have your Amazon S3 credentials filled out, that the file is in your Amazon S3 bucket.

Once you have selected the file, you can fill out the other sections of the
Members Files Download element, and then click the green “Insert” button at the very bottom to add it to your page.


* At this time, using folders inside your Amazon S3 bucket is not supported with the Members Files Download element.

* It is important to note that once you have Amazon S3 setup for the Members Files Downloads element then ALL of your downloads on the site using that element MUST be inside your Amazon S3 bucket, and you will no longer be able to use files from your media library for this element.

* If you do wish to use files in your media library for downloads, you can just use the non protected “files download” element for that though, and the page will still be protected.

* Also, the Amazon S3 protected downloads is not available for Level 0 (free level). It is only available for Levels 1 and higher.

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