We have encountered a few instances of issues when using Gravity forms shortcodes on LiveEditor pages. The main issue is that the form does not redirect correctly or function correctly.
We have found that this issue is usually caused by an external theme being used which is interfering with JS and menus on the LiveEditor.
To fix this, go to OptimizePress > Support > Disable Styles & Scripts and locate the section called
Disable on front-end (Published Pages)
In this section you need to tick the box in the JS column next to your theme name – this will disable Javascript from your theme being rendered on LiveEditor published pages and stop any conflicts
Gravity Forms Not Redirecting
We recently heard of some of our users experiencing issues with Gravity Forms not redirecting after a form submission, particularly when placed inside an OverlayOptimizer element.
The problem was within the shortcode and having ajax=true tabindex=49 in there. Once we took that out then the redirect work. If you have any problems with this and are not sure how to modify the code, please let our support team know.