Thrive Leads Plugin

Thrive Leads causes unusual text to show below the footer on live editor pages:

Example of this issue

Recommended Solution

We have found this issue is caused by having “Lazy Load Forms” turned on within Thrive Leads plugin settings. We suggest turning that feature off which will fix the issue.

Thrive Leads causes some issues with formatting on pages:
Formatting issues with paragraphs 
which cannot be fixed through using our Disable Styles & Scripts functions. 

Recommended Solution

Adding the following CSS code to OptimizePress > Dashboard > Sitewide CSS can help with fixing large gaps between paragraphs when using a feature box:

/* fix for thrive leads */

p, .op-popup-button .default-button {margin: 0 0 1.0em;} 

Thrive Leads causes pages created with live editor to load as blank pages when viewing the page live:

If you find that your template previews under “OptimizePress > Create New Page” are not loading properly, and also viewing pages created with the Live Editor load blank, then please go to Thrive Leads settings, and make sure none of your Thrive Leads have the “All Pages” box checked under basic settings. 

Having that box checked makes the scripts from Thrive Leads plugin load on pages created with the Live Editor and cause the issues mentioned above with pages not loading properly.

Once you save this setting with the “All Pages” box unchecked, please ensure you clear your site cache if using a caching plugin.


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