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  4. Integrate OP2 With Google reCaptcha Version 3 to stop spam bots

Integrate OP2 With Google reCaptcha Version 3 to stop spam bots


To keep up good deliverability rates with your email provider and prevent spam bot submissions on our web forms we advise you enable the Google Captcha service on your site.

First make sure you are running the latest version of OptimizePress 2.5+

Next go to the dashboard Global Settings > Google ReCaptcha v3 > click the Google ReCaptcha link.

This will take you to Google Recaptcha > Click Admin Console and sign in / create an account

Next click the plus + sign top right to add a new API

And add your details as shown

Then click submit.
The next page will show your reCaptcha keys.

Copy these keys and paste each one into the OptimizePress dashboard.

Then click Save Settings

Once you have done that you can now create an opt-in form as you would normally and the Google reCaptcha icon will appear on your landing pages.

This simple fix will stop spam bot submissions on your landing pages.
The reCaptcha badge also becomes visible site.wide
We advise any customers to use reCaptcha if they are seeing a high amount of spam signups on your email lists.


Can I hide the reCaptcha logo?
Yes you may, however please note that Google’s Terms of Service do require that you include the reCAPTCHA branding visibly in the user flow and ask that the following text be used exactly: 
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
<a href=”https://policies.google.com/privacy”>Privacy Policy</a> and <a href=”https://policies.google.com/terms”>Terms of Service</a> apply.
You can add that into either a text block or custom HTML element below your opt-in form.To hide the reCAPTCHA branding, just use the following code: 

.grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }

The CSS code would need to be placed under “OptimizePress > Dashboard > Custom CSS (sitewide)”

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