500 Internal Server Error If you see a Error 500 – Internal Server Error when using OptimizePress, this error is actually related to your...
Allow Visitors / Members to Upload and Attach File on OptimizePress OptimizePress does not have any elements that allow visitors to upload files because of security concerns. You can however use...
Blank White Screen after the OP2 Theme Update If your site turns all white and completely blank after the OP2 Theme update/upgrade to v2.3.1, please immediately contact your hosting...
Blank White Screen on Website Home Page If you are finding your home page of your site e.g yourdomain.com is showing a blank white page, this can...
Exit Redirect doesn’t work properly / Exit Redirect looping If you have any issues with the Exit Redirect functionality in OptimizePress please read below: Our Exit Redirect functionality is...
Extra steps to secure your WordPress site While there is no way to 100% protect against hacking, there are some steps that you can take to help...
Facebook Moderation Tool is Not Displayed on Facebook Comments Normal Preview If the Moderation Tool of FB is not showing on your ‘Facebook Comments’ element, please check the following:...
How to Force file downloads when using file download elements on your site with OptimizePress. For Files Hosted in your media library or on your server: Have you ever tried linking to a “pdf” or...
How to hide a page from the search engines If you want to hide certain pages on your website from the search engines (stop them from indexing your pages)...
How to Justify Paragraphs on Text Block Element? There are two ways to justify your paragraph. 1. Using a HTML snippet Go to the “Text” editor of your WYSIWYG....
How To Speed Up & Secure Your OptimizePress Sites Using Cloudflare One of the biggest problems of owning a website is site slowdown and the potential of being hacked. With so many free...
I only see “Sample Page” in the home page drop down selection You need to ensure you have created and published these pages in your own WordPress site before they will show...
If you get error – You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page If you have installed bbpress or other plugins and then get the error “You do not have sufficient permissions to...
Images not displaying on iOs device If you have encountered issues where some of your images are not showing when viewed on iOs, chances are your...
Images on Posts and Text Block Elements Broken If you are having broken images issue when trying to add media, especially jpeg and png images, on blog posts...
Missing Visual Editor Customization Buttons The visual editor customization buttons are shown in a single row by default. Clicking on the last button will display...
Moderate Facebook Comments on OptimizePress site You can moderate Facebook comments on your website via the Facebook Comments Moderation Tool. Here’s what you need: 1. Create...
My navigation bar is stacked vertical after update If you notice that after recently updating your OptimizePress you see the navigation bar items are stacked vertically instead of...
No Static Page setting in Settings – Reading for setting home page If you are having problems with your Settings > Reading section in WordPress and finding it does not show an...
No Static Page Setting on Settings – Reading page If you do not see a static page setting on the Settings > Reading page inside WordPress: This is only...
Not Able to login to WordPress – Error while checking for update If you or your members are trying to login to your WordPress website/membership and cannot login and get an error...
Umlauts not working If you find that German special characters e.g. Umlauts are not working, ensure that you are running the latest version...
Where Can I Download the Templates I Purchased From the Marketplace? 1. You would need to log in to access your purchased templates. 2. Once logged in, go to the Dashboard...