If you are finding your home page of your site e.g yourdomain.com is showing a blank white page, this can be caused by a few different potential issues:
1) Firstly, check that this is not being caused by a plugin conflict. You can check this by temporarily deactivating other plugins by going to Plugins > and then tick to deactivate other plugins on your site (you can reactivate them after you have checked this)
2) If you’re using the OptimizePress Theme, test whether the issue is coming from our theme by going to Appearance > Themes and activating a different theme. Check your home page again and if you still see a blank white page this means it’s not being caused by the OptimizePress install.
3) If you have exhausted the tasks above – it’s most likely that the issue is because of a file on your server (most likely an index.html or index.htm file) which is overriding the home page on your site. Check your site via FTP to see if you see any files like this (note that WordPress installs a index.php file so do not remove that)
It’s also possible that a setting within your htaccess hosting file could be causing this – you will need to check with your hosting company on this as it’s not something we can control from OptimizePress or the OptimizePress settings.