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  4. Exit Redirect doesn’t work properly / Exit Redirect looping

Exit Redirect doesn’t work properly / Exit Redirect looping

If you have any issues with the Exit Redirect functionality in OptimizePress please read below:

Our Exit Redirect functionality is designed to allow you to automatically redirect a visitor to a new page when they try to leave your page using the browser “close” or “X” buttons.  

Different browsers handle this behaviour differently, so you may find that in some browsers the message to the user will not appear

Please also note that because of potential conflicts and also to ensure a positive user experience, we do not allow you to use more than one Exit Redirect in a row.  So you should not have an Exit Redirect on the page you are redirecting to 



Sales Page > Exit Redirect to > One Time Special Offer Page  [This process will work fine]


Sales Page > Exit Redirect to > One Time Special Offer Page > Exit Redirect to > Second Special Offer 

Using two exit redirects in a row will cause the system to malfunction so ensure you do not setup your pages like this.

Also having more than one exit redirect in a row provides a very negative user experience and is something we strongly do not advise – and therefore will not support this in our system

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