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ActiveCampaign Custom Fields Not Working [OptimizeLeads]

This is an OptimizeLeads tutorial. The OptimizeLeads software is included within our Club subscription. To find out more about joining the Club, click the “Club” link in header when logged into your OptimizePress members account.

If you’re using OptimizeLeads with ActiveCampaign and want to show custom fields on your forms, please be aware of a glitch/bug inside the ActiveCampaign API which can cause problems when trying to get fields to show inside OptimizeLeads.

The bug stops your fields showing in OptimizeLeads if you have the custom field attached to all of your lists

Here’s a link to the ActiveCampaign Bug report: https://github.com/ActiveCampaign/activecampaign-api-php/issues/9

To ensure this does not affect you, follow these steps:


To create a custom field inside ActiveCampaign, first go to Lists in the top navigation and then click “Manage Fields”


Click “New Custom Field” on the right side and you will see this window.  Select the type of field you wish to add and click Next


Follow the on screen instructions to customize your chosen field type and add the relevant options you want


Once you have customised your field, you’ll see your field added to the list of custom fields.  


Click “Edit” on your custom field.  You will see a screen like the one below.  Click the “Show Advanced” link to see the advanced field settings


You will most likely see that All Lists” is checked and all lists have a tick next to them.  This configuration WILL NOT WORK with OptimizeLeads due to the ActiveCampaign Bug

To fix this, select ONLY the list you want to use this custom field within the list. You should ensure you integrate with this list when integrating your OptimizeLeads form and the correct form fields should be pulled into your form

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