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Types of Optin Overlays and template range [OptimizeLeads]

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OptimizeLeads tutorial. The OptimizeLeads software is included within our Club subscription. To find out more about joining the Club, click the “Club” link in header when logged into your OptimizePress members account.

TUTORIAL AIM: In this tutorial we will take a quick look at the types of Optin Overlays and template range.

Clicking on the ‘Create New Opt-In’ link on the main menu will take you to a list of all of the available styles and templates to choose from. These are all fully customisable and you can modify them according to your personal and business needs.

On the top of the style selection is a filter menu. Clicking on each of the icons will allow you to filter the styles and templates based on the type of style or template you would like to use, allowing for easier navigation:

There are 5 style and template types to choose from:


These are optin forms that are designed to pop front and centre on your page. Can be set as a time delay, by clicking on a link/button or if a visitor decides to leave your page, providing you with the opportunity to capture their contact information to email them at a later date.

Full Screen

This is an optin design that will display as a full screen image on your page, allowing you to disrupt your customer with a call to action.


This optin will display as default on the bottom corner of your page and is ideal if you would like a less intrusive method of informing your customer. Can be set to appear in numerous ways and can be setup in the publish options.


This is a horizontal bar that will appear on the top or bottom of your browser window. This style of optin box has become a very popular option for webmasters and bloggers. 

Intro Optimizer

This is a great template to choose if you would like to display a stylish navigation option for users to navigate your website and can be designed and customised however way you want. Ideal for displaying recent blog posts for example. 

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