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  4. Exit Redirect / Exit Pop Not working after Hashtag

Exit Redirect / Exit Pop Not working after Hashtag

If you are using anchor links on your OptimizePress pages which also use our Exit Redirect function, you may find that after an anchor link is clicked (and a # is added to your page URL) the exit redirect  or exit pop does not trigger.

Please read the information below:

This issue is occurring because the exit pop system is looking for a specific URL in the address bar which is set when the page loads.  The # is therefore meaning the URL does not match when the page is exited.

I’m afraid this isn’t something we will be able to resolve – we are actually in the process of phasing out the exit redirect/pop system (it will still be present in the system but we will be adding a new “exit intent” based system).  The new system will allow you to trigger a popup designed with the LiveEditor overlay optimizer.

The reason we are phasing this exit pop out is that we have started to find that using “hard pops” such as this which stop the user from physically leaving the page, can lead to serious SEO implications and actually cause sites to be blacklisted from advertising networks (if you drive traffic from ad networks such as Facebook to pages which include a hard-exit pop like this, it can lead to you being removed from their network due to breach of terms).

We have always advised using other methods – but kept this feature in OptimizePress 2.0 due to it’s popularity. But due to recent testing and findings from our support group – we will no longer be advising of the use of this feature, and as such will be ceasing any further development of it in favour of a more friendly “soft pop” which will allow the triggering of an exit lightbox where you can include an optin form, link or offer.

I am sorry we don’t have better news on this, but please be aware we are making this change to ensure our users do not have any negative implications from using any systems within OptimizePress.

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