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  4. Translating the OPMember strings using POedit

Translating the OPMember strings using POedit

If you are looking for a guide to help you translate OPMember strings using POedit, please follow the below instructions:

1. Download the POedit app here: https://poedit.net/download

Here’s a Poedit guide: https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/tools/poedit/
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX5hh98fNkQ
Close the app when done.

2. Go to /optimizemember/includes/translations via FTP or File Manager of your Cpanel

3. Open up Poedit and localize / translate the .poT file.

4. Hit Save when you’re done. A .mo file will be generated.

5. Rename the s2member.mo file to s2member-LOCALE.mo e.g. s2member-es_ES.mo for the Spanish in Spain. You can find your locale in the below link:


6. Upload the new .mo file to your wordpress site in /wp-content/plugins/.

7. Refresh browser when done.

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