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  4. Hide a protected page from WordPress menus

Hide a protected page from WordPress menus

Links to pages which are protected with OptimizeMember levels or packages protection may still be visible to users who do have permission to view them.

The default behaviour is that links to your pages may be visible (in Menus, and in Page Listings elements) and when a user clicks the link, they will be shown your Membership Options page which advises them they do not have access (this page can be configured in OptimizeMember > General Options > Membership Options Page).

If you wish to hide links to these protected pages, you need to go to:

OptimizeMember > General Options > Define Membership Levels & Packages and scroll down to the option which says “Hide Links?”

Tick this option to ensure that links to these pages are hidden:

This will ensure that links to pages inside your WordPress menus and in Page Listings elements are hidden from view to users that do not have relevant permissions

Important Notes on this feature

1) If you are using our Drip content option, this will hide links to those pages in Page Listings elements so you won\’t see the countdown any longer for these pages they will just appear when they are dripped to the user.

2) If you have manually created hyperlinks anywhere on your site (where you have specifically entered the URL of a page in a link, button or menu item through the custom links option) these will NOT be hidden by this feature

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