If you have tried to install OP on your site and you are prompted with “Destination Folder Already Exist” error, this is means that OptimizePress folder already exists in your plugin/theme directory. This could be due to a unsuccessful update or installation where either the server had timed out, or you navigated away from the update screen prior to the update finishing.
To fix this, you need to remove the previous installation via FTP or FileManager of your cPanel. Please follow the below instructions:
1. Access your site’s back-end via FTP/Cpanel
2. Check under your plugins or themes folder (whatever version of OP you have been installing. This should be under wp-contents/plugins/ or wp-contents/themes
3. Look for the Optimizepress folder. Delete the folder. Once deleted, you should be able to install OP via your WordPress dashboard.
If you get stuck or unsure on how to fix the issue on your own, please do not hesitate to send us a ticket with your WordPress and FTP logins so we can fix the issue for you and have your site back running as good as new again.
Note that removing OptimizePress files from your server via FTP, FileManager, or cPanel will not cause any loss of your OptimizePress pages. Those are safely stored in your database, and will become fully functional again immediately after re-installing and activating OptimizePress.