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  4. Forbidden Error on Updating OptimizePress

Forbidden Error on Updating OptimizePress

If you are trying to update your site from within your WordPress dashboard to the latest version of OptimizePress and receive an error such as:

An error occurred while updating OptimizePress: Download failed. Forbidden

This error can be caused by a small glitch affecting some WordPress sites in recent versions of OptimizePress

How to fix this issue

Usually we find that this issue can be fixed quite easily by retrying the download/update and using the “update now” link at the top of your WordPress Dashboard (the one that shows in the alert bar above your main content)

Click the Update link again and as long as you have an active updates subscription for OptimizePress, the downloads should work second time around

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that if you are updating the plugin, you wait for the message that the Plugin was reactivated successfully before closing the update page.  We have had some users close the update too soon and find that OptimizePress was not reactivated.  In these cases you simply need to go to Plugins > and reactivate OptimizePress there.

If you still do experience issues after retrying the update, please submit a ticket with your login information and we\’ll get the update applied for you

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