OptimizeMember + PayKickstart Integration
Watch the video below for information about PayKickstart
You can now integrate
PayKickstart with OptimizeMember plugin through API connection. PayKickstart will allow you to accept installment payment, enable one-click upsell and seamlessly add or update membership level/capabilities to your OptimizeMember site.
Here is a guide from the PayKickstart knowledge base:
If you would like further information about PayKickstart you may
visit their website for further details.
Note: While we are happy to help with any issues with OptimizePress & OptimizeMember, this is a 3rd party integration. Since PayKickstart built this integration on their end, they would be best suited to help with any issues you may have with how the integration works.
Technical Requirement for OptimizeMember Remote communication:
Please ensure that you are using PHP 5.6 or higher on your websites when using this integration as we have found some web hosts do not accept http requests of this nature when using a lower PHP version (which means the integration may not work fully).