If you want to set a page as your homepage this is very simple. Before you begin it is important to ensure you have created and published your page that you want to use for your home page (it’s very important that the page is published). Then, you’ll just need to follow these 3 steps below:
1. Go to “Settings > Reading” from the left side WordPress menu and look for the static page setting.
2. Select the “static page” setting.
3. Then select the page you want to use from the drop-down menu.
Also, don’t forget to click “Save Changes” when you’re done.
Home Page Title
If you are using the OptimizePress SEO options under “OptimizePress > Dashboard > SEO Options” When setting a static home page, you’ll need to be sure your Title is set under “WordPress Dashboard > Settings > General” for the site title as that would carry over through to your home page.
You may also override part of the title in the Live Editor under “Page Settings > SEO Options”.
The way this format works is whatever you have under “settings > general” for the site title would show up second. An example is if you have the “Meta Title” set to “Test Page” in the Live Editor, and then under “Settings > General” in WP Dashboard you have it set to “My OP Site” then the actual SEO Title would look like this when you load the page:
Test Page – My OP Site
Now if you did not have anything at all set as Meta Title in the Live Editor, then in that example above the SEO Title would simply be “My OP Site”.
If you are using another SEO plugin and have the SEO Options in OptimizePress turned off, then you’ll need to set the page meta title through that SEO plugin.
Bonus Tip
Changing your homepage to a static page will remove your blog posts from your home page. If you want to show your blog posts on a different page just follow these steps:
1. Go to Pages > Add new and create a new page called “blog”. Save and publish this page (do not create this page with our LiveEditor or Pagebuilder or this process will not work.
2. Go to Settings > Reading and in the second drop-down (the one that is called “Posts page”) – select the “Blog” page that you just created and click Save Changes. This will then set your blog to appear on that page.