Our support are available Monday - Friday 

We aim to reply within 24-48 working hours  (Except during holidays)

Account Data Removal Request

Complete the form below to request your data to be deleted
Our team will action all valid requests within 48 working hours (excludes weekends).  
Please note, the account deletion process does not include a refund for any unused time on your plan. We only offer refunds within 30 days of initial first purchase.
Here's what we will do when we delete your account:
- remove any accounts from our licensing system
- anonomyise any data we are required to keep for accounting/financial reasons
- delete any credit card information tokenized in our Stripe payment system
- cancel any existing subscriptions
  • Because saying "hi" isn't the same without a name
  • Enter your email address (preferably the one used for accessing the OptimizePress hub)
  • We ask for your password to verify your account ownership
  • Hidden
  • Please add a message below to confirm you wish for your account and all data we hold to be deleted. Please type "I confirm I wish for you to delete all of my data"
  • When we complete the account deletion process, your account will not be retrievable. We will only store anonymised information required for accounting purposes. Please confirm you wish for us to remove your data.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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