We regularly get asked about the features of the Club so we wanted to create this Frequently asked questions page to help answer those questions for you
How many templates are included in the Club?
The Club template library includes over 250 templates ranging across Landing pages, sales pages, membership portal pages, thank you pages, webinar signup pages and more.
What are the conversion rates of the Club templates?
Conversion rates depend on many factors including traffic source, copywriting on the page, offer, seasonal changes and many other factors. For this reason, we do not publish the conversion rates of any of our templates. All templates are created using conversion optimized elements, layout format and design, and based on our findings across our own websites and the sites of our clients. They are designed to give you the best results with minimum changes.
How many new templates are added each month?
On average we add 4 new templates each month. Sometimes this number is higher, but we always aim for 4 templates (roughly one per week). There are times where we may release more templates, or release a bundle of templates in a particular month which may increase this number.
What is the textures & icons library?
Textures can be a great way to add style to your pages without needing to source an individual image for your page. Where load time is also an issue, using a repeatable texture can result in faster page loads. Our textures library provides a range of tilable textures that are perfect for page and section backgrounds on your landing pages and sales pages.