Auto Play Vimeo Video on OP Video Player 1. Copy-paste your Vimeo embed code to our video player. 2. Simply add “&autoplay=1” at the end of your embed...
Complete Plugins Guide This page will contain a regularly updated archive of plugins that we recommend for various processes and tasks within OptimizePress....
Create a Contact Form for your site If you want to add a contact form to your OptimizePress websites you have a range of options. We don’t...
Create Simple Popup Windows with Alligator Popup If you have some content on another page that you want to load in a small window (similar to a...
Recommended Plugin for Creating Image Galleries Image galleries are a nice way to showcase those things that only images can really describe such as a vacation...
Uploading Icon Packs We would suggest extracting the zip file on your computer and then uploading only the icons you need to use....
Using the Disqus comments system on Optimizepress This video tutorial will show you how to use the disqus comments system with OptimizePress. Please note this tutorial...