Blog category hero background image [SmartTheme] If you would like to add Hero background image to the Category pages in the Smart Theme, you can use...
Customizing page hero sections [SmartTheme] If you want to customize the Page Hero section – the large section at the top of your pages which...
How to export & import a template [SmartTheme] Copying your settings from one SmartTheme installation to another is quite simple once you know how the process works and...
Theme documentation [SmartTheme] To download the SmartTheme user manual, please login to the members hub and click the download link. You can find...
Theme quick start guide [SmartTheme] These videos below will help you with getting the OptimizePress SmartTheme installed on your WordPress sites. Changing from OptimizePress Theme...
Theme translation [SmartTheme] There are various WordPress translation plugins available. SmartTheme has full translation support if you use a compatible translation plugin. In...